Possible alternative script including the scientist character.
INT. Observation room
Light flickers on in observation room, revealing girl sat on a chair texting on her mobile phone.
INT. Viewing room
Scientist stood behind one way glass looking at a chart showing details about the girl.
Scientist puts down chart and presses a button.
Scientist Tannoy announcement
Initiate distraction 1.0.0
INT. Observation room
Girl continues to stare at her mobile phone, with no reaction to her surroundings.
Panel drops from the left side of the room.
Mechanical arm enters holding a pink unicorn doll.
The arm places the doll on the table near the girl.
INT. Viewing room
Scientist looking through the glass with a surprised expression.
Looks at his chart and then presses the button again.
INT. Observation room
The arm continues to push the doll closer to her.
INT. Viewing room
Scientist even more surprised, shaking his head.
Presses button.
It stops pushing the doll.
[Camera beeps]
Camera cuts out
Doll is removed while camera is out.
Camera turns back on.
Scientist Tannoy announcement
Initiate distraction 1.0.5
INT. Observation room
Girl continues to stare at her phone.
A panel from the floor slides to one side.
Enters another panel with a box upon it.
Panel tilts to the side, sliding the box onto the table.
Panel then exits through the floor.
[Muffled barking noises come from the box]
Girl remains unaware of the surroundings.
INT. Viewing room
Scientist urging her to looking through the box.
Slams his hands onto the window as he gets more frustrated.
INT. Observation room
Girl still remains unaware of the surroundings.
[Camera beeps]
Camera cuts out
Box is removed while camera is out.
Camera turns back on.
Scientist Tannoy announcement
Initiate distraction 3.6.4
INT. Observation room
Girl continues to use her phone, undistracted.
INT. Viewing room
Scientist looking very agitated and on edge, throws his chart away.
Opens a safety cover over a button, covers his eyes and presses the button.
INT. Observation room
A small bomb is lowered into the room, just above her head.
A countdown appears on the back wall.
Lights in the room start flashing red.
[Emergency siren starts up]
The girl continues to ignore everything but the phone.
INT. Viewing room
Scientist leaning in towards the window.
INT. Observation room
Girl carries on using her phone.
INT. Viewing room
Scientist leans in even closer to the window.
INT. Observation room
Girl carries on using her phone.
INT. Viewing room
Scientists face now pressed up against the window.
INT. Observation room
Girl carries on using her phone.
INT. Viewing room
Scientist banging on glass.
INT. Observation room
Girl carries on using her phone.
INT. Viewing room
Scientist falls to the floor exhausted.
INT. Observation room
Girl carries on using her phone.
Tiny amount of smoke comes out of bomb as the shell falls to the floor.
Lights turn back on
Girl still unaware and carries on using her phone.
[Camera beeps]
Camera cuts out
INT. Viewing room
Scientist looking through the glass, looking tired and lost the will to carry on the experiments.
INT. Observation room
Girl continues to look at the phone.
The battery dies in the phone.
Girl looks up and around the room in realization for a moment.
INT. Viewing room
Scientist jumps to life and presses his face up against the glass
INT. Observation room
She then looks down and pulls out another phone from her pocket.
Continues to use her phone.
INT. Viewing room
Scientist falls to his knees
[Camera beeps]
Camera cuts out.
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